The annual Christmas Carnival will take place this year on Saturday, December 17th.

Each year, Father Christmas pays an early visit to Ross-on-Wye on his carnival float, and crowds of happy families come to the Market Place, eager to meet him.

The event will start at the bottom of Brookend Street at approximately 4.45pm. The Cubs, Brownies and Scouts will lead Father Christmas by torch light up to the Market house.

Ross Town Band will lead the carol singing and St Mary’s Choir will also be performing.

The Welsh Newton Young Farmers will help out this year, and distribute goody bags to all of the children who attend the event.

The youngsters will also get to meet Father Christmas and have their photographs taken with this very special guest.

The event organisers told the Ross Gazette that they are very grateful to all the local businesses who have supported the event. They added that they have already secured the funds to make 1,200 goody bags for the children.