Dozens of local residents were thrilled to attend an open day at St Michael’s and All Angels Church at Brampton Abbotts last week and see the huge amount of work which has been carried out to restore this ancient building.

As well as talks about the restoration of the building, the Daily Bread project and the history of the church, there was a concert and afternoon tea.

There was an air of celebration as people who filled the church enjoyed freshly made scones and listened to the Bramptones Community Choir, led by Musical Director, Jane Osbeldiston.

The church was open from 12.30pm on Thursday, May 30th when Heather and Phil Button of the Herefordshire Family History Society were on hand to talk to people about ways of researching their family history.

The afternoon tea and concert took place between 4pm and 5pm and this was followed by talks by Sam Hine of the Brampton Abbotts Church Regeneration Group (BAcRG), then Tim Bridges and Wendy Coomby gave a heritage talk before an update of the Whispering Across Centuries art project. (For a preview of this display see page 25.)

The event was organised by the BAcRG, which was set up in 2012 following the decision by the Church of England Church Commissioners to close St Michael’s and All Angels as a parish church. Local people came together to try to save the historic building and to find a new sustainable use.