Ross-on-Wye market will not be opening tomorrow (August 5), according to an announcement made by the Town Council. The decision has been taken due to the forecast of poor weather conditions.

Held under the ancient Market House, a tourist attraction in itself, Ross Market is a cherished institution in the town centre, granted its charter by King Stephen in the 12th Century. The responsibility for the operation of this twice-weekly market rests on the shoulders of Ross-on-Wye Town Council. Markets are generally held every Thursday and Saturday, between 9.00am and 3.00pm, and play host to a variety of vendors.

Shoppers on Thursdays can usually find a rich blend of stalls, featuring flowers and plants, fresh fruit and veg, fish, and clothing. Saturdays, however, shift focus towards local crafts and foods, presenting an array of intriguing items for purchase. The absence of the market due to adverse weather conditions, therefore, marks a notable break in the town's regular schedule.