Pupils at Whitchurch Primary School were taking part in the Great Get Together on Friday, June 16th, which was organised to commemorate the anniversary of the murder of MP Jo Cox.

They were among thousands of people across the country who attended hundreds of events to honour the MP’s wish to encourage people to find the things they have in common, rather than concentrate on their differences.

The Get Together event is inspired by Jo Cox’s maiden speech in parliament, when she said: “We are far more united, and have far more in common, than that which divides us.”

The pupils discussed the things they have in common with their friends during assembly. During the afternoon they were mixed into different groups with people they did not know so well to make bunting with their names and things they shared on.

The youngsters discussed people’s rights not to be discriminated against for their differences.

See full story in this week’s edition of the Ross Gazette.