Ross-on-Wye’s Marion Rainthorpe is living proof that lasting weight loss is achievable.

Having shed three-and-a-half stone after joining Slimming World in 1998, she’s maintained her weight for an impressive 22 years. This success story aligns with new research from Clinical Nutrition Open Science, which emphasizes the significance of group support.

“I’ve tried many diets, but only Slimming World offered a lasting solution,” Marion shared. The research supports her experience, with 83 per cent of participants continuing their Slimming World sessions even after achieving their weight goals. “The consultants’ support during weekly sessions was a game-changer,” Marion added.

Dr Amanda Avery, Slimming World’s Health and Research Consultant Dietitian, stressed the importance of sustainable lifestyle changes. “Slimming World’s tailored approach empowers members to make these changes,” she said.

Community is at the heart of the programme. A notable 94 per cent of members have shifted to cooking meals from scratch, leading to healthier choices and savings from fewer takeaways. The study also highlighted that 74 per cent of current members saw positive dietary shifts in their households.