Dozens of people marched through Newent on Saturday morning to signal their opposition to proposals for 375 homes on the edge of the town.

They say the "little bit of chaos" caused by the march is a taste of what is to come if developers Robert Hitchens get permission for the new estate on Gloucester Street.

The march, which was headed by a vintage tractor driven by Mr Mike Smith, made its way from the junction of Broad Street and the Newent, through the town and finished at the Gulf garage on Gloucester Street opposite the proposed site.

The march was organised by campaign group Future Newent who will also be holding a public meeting on Saturday morning (September 16).

A spokeswoman for the group said they were pleased with the number of people who turned out to support the march.

She said: "It was to show the people of Newent, the Forest of Dean District Council and Robert Hitchins that that bit of chaos we may have caused with the traffic is just a taste of what it is going to be likeif there are going to be 375 houses and that is just a start."You are going to have 1,000 or more cars on the road.

"We are trying to emphasise how bad it is now and that it is going to get worse – the sewage works can't cope now."

As well as the houses, the developers are proposing a new primary school, local shopping centre and employment land.

They say the site would contribute to the homes that Newent needs including affordable homes.

The public meeting will be held at 11am on Saturday at Picklenash School and will be an opportunity for people to share ideas about the future of the town and voice concerns.

Invitations have been sent to all Newent town councillors, the town's three Forest of Dean District Council, Forest MP Mark Harper and to the developers, although it is understood the company has declined to attend.

Cllr Sid Phelps (Green, Lydbrook), the district council's Cabinet member whose portfolio includes the Local Plan – which will set out the terms of development in the district over the next couple of decades – will also be in attendance.

Questions for the public meeting can be put by sending a message to the Future Newent Facebook page or to the group's website..