Dear Editor,

In response to Jan and Steve’s letter to the Ross Gazett last week, I too, have for many years wondered why all the seats on the river bank face the river.

Since I moved near to Ross in the early 90s the riverside growth has increased dramatically, and with budget cuts taking hold regular bank clearing has ’gone down the river’ as it were.

Could I suggest that every other bench is reversed and those facing the river could have the vegetation cut back to allow a view. Those facing away from the river can then be used by those who either wish to see the view of Ross or perhaps be able to watch families enjoying the open spaces.

Clearing some of the vegetation from the riverside also allows fishermen/women a little more access for their leisure activity and those whose dogs wish to have a swim, as mine always does.

I have personally fitted similar benches in a number of locations, most notably in the Usk area and it wouldn’t cost an extortionate amount to turn the Ross benches.

PS Here’s looking forward to the willow tree resprouting after its recent pollarding.

Mick Cordell
