FIVE of the Prospective Parliamentary candidates for the Hereford and South Herefordshire constituency are joining together in a special hustings debate in Ross-on-Wye next week.

The hustings will be held at St Mary’s Church in Ross on June 19 from 7pm.

The event is being staged by the Friends of St Mary’s Church and the hustings will be chaired by Adrian Kendry.

Questions will be selected from those submitted beforehand and the questioner will be invited to pose the question on the night.

Attendance bookings are preferred and questions need to be submitted to by 3pm on Tuesday June 18.

The candidates attending are Nigel Ely (Reform UK); Joe Emmett (Labour); Jesse Norman (Conservative); Dan Powell (Liberal Democrats) and Diana Toynbee (Green Party).

The sixth candidate, Mark Weadon (Independent) has not replied to any correspondence to take part.

The General Election is being staged on July 4, 2024.