Plans to build flood defences along the A40 near Ross-on-Wye have been welcomed by many residents at Lea although there have been some concerns raised at the cost.

After many years of dealing with regular occurrences of flooding through the centre of the village the new scheme has been proposed to reduce the affects of heavy downpours. Herefordshire Council’s flood alleviation scheme for the Lea is aimed at collecting surface water and reducing the risk of flooding to properties and the main road through the village.

The proposals include footpath widening and paving in front of the Crown Inn and flood walls to be built next to Brook House and The Old Granary.

They also want to install pipework, gullies and chambers along the length of Old Mill Lane crossing the A40 through Crown Barns through Millbrook Gardens and discharging to Rudhall Brook to the Northeast and temporary site compound.

“Depending on the severity of the rainfall the standing water creates a hazard to motorists and occasionally will result in the closure of the road completely,” the plans say.

“As well as the dangers to motorists there have been occasions when properties are flooded, there are two businesses and 14 private residential properties that have been affected following recent severe rainfall events.”

A decision for the proposals is expected by April 13.

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