Ross-on-Wye Parish held its Annual General Meeting on March 2. One of the speakers that evening was Lynda Wilcox from the Herefordshire Association of Local Councils, who spoke about the upcoming local elections to be held on May 4.

Ms Wilcox invited anyone who was interested to become a town councillor and explained that the main role of a town councillor is to attend meetings. She added that the town council has a range of committees, such as planning, recreation, and finance, which welcome new ideas.

She encouraged anyone who has an interest in their town and who wants to make sure it is a good place to live in the future to stand for election. She stressed that it’s not necessary to have a lot of time or knowledge about local government. All that is needed is a passion for the town.

Lynda said that some of the current town councillors may feel they have given enough after some time and may decide to step down, so new blood is always welcome. She emphasized the importance of heritage and maintaining the amazing Market House that Ross-on-Wye has.

Lynda praised the meeting as an “amazing example” of an annual parish meeting, with local people hearing what has been happening from the town council and recipients of grants. She highlighted the exciting developments in the parish and town council world and urged attendees to consider standing for election.