Every day at 9:00 am, there's Morning Prayer on Zoom at rossparishes.uk/morning-prayer.

On Tuesday from 9:00 to 11:00 am, there's Tea & Toast and Community Larder at St Mary’s Hall. At 2:30 pm, there's JustB, a bereavement group, at St Mary’s.

Wednesday kicks off with Toast & Toddle from 8:45 to 10:15 am at St Mary’s. At 11:00 am, there's Craft at St Mary’s.

Thursday's schedule includes a Said Communion at 10:00 am at Markye Chapel, St Mary’s. At 11:45 am, the St Mary’s Thursday Prayer group meets on Zoom. Noon marks Prayers for Christian Unity at Markye Chapel, St Mary’s.

On Friday at 9:30 am, there's Paddle and Praise in Walford. In the evening, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, there's a Youth Choir rehearsal at St Mary’s, followed by a Choir practice from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.

Sunday starts with an 8:00 am BCP Service at St Mary’s, followed by a 9:30 am Sung Eucharist (streamed) at St Mary’s. At 11:00 am, there's a Family Eucharist for Candlemas at St Michael’s, Walford, followed by lunch. At 11:15 am, there's a Candlemas Service at Brampton Abbotts Village Hall. Finally, at 4:00 pm, there's a rehearsal for the 6:00 pm Come, Sing & Sup event for Candlemas at St Mary’s.

For more details, check the website or contact the church office at 01989 562175 or [email protected].