The Ross Auction Centre was abuzz with activity this Monday (September 4), as an increased entry of cattle met a flying trade, with steers peaking at an impressive £1763 and heifers at £1777. Auctioneer William Probert noted that the best quality butchers’ heifers consistently sold from 280p – 306p per kilo.

The lamb market was equally vibrant. Despite a more cautious trade than previous weeks, heavy weight lambs dominated the entry, peaking at £124 per head. Those weighing between 45kg - 52kg averaged 243p per kilo. William Probert emphasised the importance of finishing lambs, as leaner sorts fell 10p - 20p per kilo behind.

In the cull cow and overage sector, Friesian steers reached a peak of 205p per kilo, amounting to £1432. Dairy cows, which dominated the entry, peaked at 184ppkg (£1355). The overall average price of cull cows settled at 170p per kilo.

For those interested in the top vendors, DE & SJ Cheacker from Ostbridge Manor Farm led the way with their heifers, achieving both the top price per head at £1777.86 and top price per kilo at 306p. B R Davies from Lettravane Cottage wasn't far behind with steers at £1763.28.

In the lamb sector, JR & L Waters from Salisbury Farm Cottage achieved the top price per head at £124, while D H Hinds & Son from Walden Court led in price per kilo at 255p for 40kg.

The ewe market, although shorter in entry and lacking quality Continentals, met a buoyant trade. North Country Mule x peaked at £120 per head. Better meated ewes consistently traded from £100 - £120, while leaner sorts ranged from £70 - £85. The overall average price of ewes settled at £80 per head.

For those looking to expand their herd, there's a 3.5-year-old pedigree Hereford bull named "SWIPE RIGHT" up for grabs. Known as a good stock getter, interested parties can reach out at (01594) 860259 or (07500) 958058.

Upcoming sales at the Ross Auction Centre include a sale of 900 Lleyn Sheep on 7th September at 10:00 am and a sale of Store Cattle on 14th September at 11:15 am. An online and live furniture sale is also scheduled for 21st September at 10:00 am.

For further details or inquiries, contact Will Probert at 07595 315902 or the Ross Auction Centre directly at 01989 762225.