Madam, Could we, through your letters page, offer a sincere and big thank you on behalf of the Ross Diamond Jubilee Committee to all those who made possible the many and varied events that took place to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee this year.

A vast cast of people came together from all walks of life in the town making it a real community effort which was enjoyed by thousands. A number of individuals and groups have been identified for a special mention:

Heather Hurley of the Ross Civic Society for putting together an exhibition celebrating Six Decades of Ross in St Marys Church.

Bekki Steele who painted a portrait of HM The Queen for the Town Council Chamber

Jonathan Preece who arranged the loan of a shop window to display the 9 Square Inches competition entries

Therese Warwick and the Ross Sports Partnership for allowing Circus Ginnett to pitch their big top on the Wilton Sports Field.

The Staff at The Ross Visitor Centre for the children's activities

The Rector and Church Warden at St Marys and Mark Alliott for the Service of Thanks Giving

Ross Tempest Cheerleaders, The Meningitis Trust, the Wye Valley AONB and other charitable organisations who turned out in the rain for The Big Jubilee Lunch

Ross in Bloom, members of the Association of Ross Traders and other shopkeepers, Ross Town Council, Amey Herefordshire, Cover Construction, M F Freeman and Andy Atkinson for helping to make the town look so attractive with flowers, bunting, beautiful window displays and a tidy up

All those who organised and took part in Jubilee competitions

The staff at the Larruperz, members of the Baptist Church and St Mary's, the WRVS, Terry Davies, Cliff McClusky, Andrew Talbot Ponsonby, Penny Weedon, Prof Alan Harrison, Mary Sinclair Powell and the Mayor Cllr David Ravenscroft who all helped to make the Jubilee Tea a great success

Members of Churches Together, Brampton Abbotts School, the fire Service and Tudorville and District Community Centre for organising and taking part in the Family Fun Days

All those who helped to make the Procession, Beacon event and fireworks such a wonderful experience but in particular Ross-on-Wye Lions Club, Ian Hedges and the Ross Branch of the British Legion, the ATC, Sea and Army Cadets, Scouts and Guides, the staff and students of John Kyrle High School, The Chase Hotel, Prof Alan Harrison and the Phoenix Majorettes

The Deputy Town Clerk Rachel Lewis deserves a special thank you for weeks of work coordinating the programme, helping to promote all the events and sorting out the admin behind the scenes.

Many of the people and groups listed here were involved in many aspects of the celebrations and deserve to be mentioned more than once. The effort that went into making the Jubilee Weekend such a success, despite the sometimes very inclement weather, is a testament to the people of Ross and the last thank you goes to all those who turned out to support it.

Ross-on-Wye Diamond Jubilee Committee