THE 2015 Rugby World Cup is just around the corner, with that in mind, it was time to visit Ross RFC? and have have a go for myself.

I have played a bit of rugby before so I?had an idea of what to expect but my expectations were well exceeded.

I was welcomed by the club chairman, Brian Harris and my coach for the night, Paul Haley.

Rugby has a reputation for being a welcoming sport, I found this to be the case as every single member of the squad introduced themselves to me.

Once the pleasantries were over it was time for Paul to put us through our paces.

As a tall, slim man who is fairly quick, I was delighted that we were starting with a game of touch and I?ran in a couple of tries without getting clattered.

However, Paul steadily upped the physicality in an intense session.

The coach got the group working on the basics, hitting tackle bags and passing drills. The passing drills came to me fairly easily, whereas hitting tackle bags was more difficult and the forwards ran over me when it was my turn to hold the bag.

Whenever I?have played rugby, I have been among the backs, barring one ill-fated performance as prop for my primary school. It is true in rugby that forwards decide who wins the game and the backs decide by how much. As we focussed on the grittier side of the game, I began to appreciate just how much work the forwards get through.

Paul had us working in a defensive drill, making tackles, with the attacking side ensuring that they protected the bal at the ruck.

Up until this point, I had been doing ok. However, the process over making a tackle, getting up, running around the ruck to get back in the defensive line ready to make another tackes, was absolutely draining. With the support of the squad and in particular, team captain, Casey Morgan, who pushed me to get in the defensive line, I completed the drill and my legs knew it.

Paul allowed us a brief moment of restbite before putting us into a full game. Once I was back in my rightful place on the wing and avoiding any of the hard graft the forwards put in, I was able to stretch my legs. Making a few breaks and setting a team mate up for a try felt like a good reward for the graft that I had put in during a difficult session.

Rugby remains a game for all shapes and sizes at this level not just on the field but off the field, where the coaches and squad members welcome everybody fancies trying out the game.

If you are inspired by the Rugby World Cup this autumn, look no further than Ross RFC, who welcome players of all abilities to train with them.