Following the efforts of Ross County Councillors, new signage deemed vital for alleviating recurring traffic issues in Broad Street, Ross-on-Wye, have been put into position.

The move is anticipated to curb the predicaments resulting from misrouted Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) making the challenging turn into Broad Street.

The Gazette reported last month that East Ward County Councillor, Ed O’Driscoll, has been at the forefront of addressing this traffic conundrum. Chris Wilkins, the owner of the Vodafone store on Broad Street, had expressed dismay over his establishment being repeatedly hit by HGVs attempting the precarious turn from New Street. “We have probably been hit four times in the last two months,” Mr Wilkins lamented. He believes misguiding SatNavs, especially when HGVs approach via the A40, contribute to this chaos.

Cllr O’Driscoll, also a former mayor of Ross, pinpointed the problem possibly originating from incorrect SatNav systems or HGV drivers inappropriately using car-specific units. Upon liaising with Herefordshire Council officers, a proposal emerged to set up “unsuitable for HGV” signs at strategic locations, specifically along New Street and its intersections with Wilton Road and Edde Cross Street. This intervention aims to dissuade HGV drivers from opting for this problematic route.

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Cllr O’Driscoll said: “Signage is a crucial part of the solution to this enduring issue.” He, along with the community, has been relentless in advocating for the preservation of the local area and ensuring the safety of its residents.

Members of the Ross-on-Wye community have vocalised their concerns on platforms such as the Ross-on-Wye Notice Board page on Facebook, reiterating the dire need for preventive measures and enhanced directional signs.