Madam, I am writing to ask whether we could use your letters page to help solve a problem for Ross Lions Club.

Ross Lions Club owns various items of equipment that we use at charity events that we support in the town like the Carnival in August and the Bonfire and Fireworks display we put on in November. This equipment is stored in two containers, currently located in a yard owned by Herefordshire Council. Herefordshire Council has told us that the yard is to be redeveloped and the containers must be removed.

Ross Lions Club needs to find a new home for them very urgently and the purpose of this letter is to ask if anyone in the Ross area has a piece of unused, unloved land that could be used to store the containers.

They occupy a space measuring 28ft long by 18 feet wide. These measurements include space to allow the doors to open as the containers themselves each measure 20 ft by 8 ft. Ideally the land needs to be within the boundaries of Ross so that we have quick and easy access for loading and unloading when an event takes place.

It would be wonderful if someone could help us. Ross Lions Club does a great deal for the people of Ross and for disadvantaged people throughout the world. It would be tragic if our work were curtailed as a result of losing storage for our essential equipment.

Sam Phillips.

President, Ross-on-Wye Lions Club