1st Bridstow Brownies had a very interesting evening with Yolande Watson on Thursday, June 28th. She talked to them all about hedgehogs and encouraged them to become Hog Heroes.

“The Brownies are going to be putting out a dish of water every night to see if a hedgehog comes to visit,” said Claire Lines – Brown Owl.

“If the Brownies find any evidence that a hedgehog has visited their garden then they will try and build a hedgehog house to help keep the little creatures safe,” she added.

The Brownies learnt lots of fascinating facts and information about hedgehogs from Yolande.

Yolande is very passionate about preserving hedgehogs and their habitats. She encouraged the girls to look out for the annual Hedgehog Festival which delivers educational nature and arts based events for all the family. This year the festival is to be held on Sunday, September 16th, from 11am til 4pm next to the Hope and Anchor pub.