A planning application has been submitted to Herefordshire Council, proposing significant alterations to Malvern House on Wye Street.

The application, numbered P232468/L, is currently marked as ‘Valid’ and is awaiting allocation to a case officer. The proposal seeks to vary condition 2 of a previously granted planning permission (212312/L). The original permission was for the conversion of the existing two flats within Malvern House into four separate flats. This involved blocking up four existing door openings, creating four new ones, and making modifications to the staircase serving Flats 3 & 4. Additionally, the proposal had included the removal of a later edition door and a stud partition between the lounge and kitchen in Flat 1.

However, the latest submission introduces a notable change: the relocation of cycle parking. The new proposal suggests moving the cycle parking to an area within Malvern House’s ground floor, ensuring that the bicycles are both undercover and secure.

The consultation period began on 4th September, and is set to conclude on 5th October 2023. The target determination date for the application is 23rd October.