Pupils at Walford Nursery & Primary School are passionate about yoga. Through Sports Premium funding, the school are able to employ an experienced yoga teacher, Kate Ingleby-Lewis, to compliment the wide range of sporting opportunities on offer.

Being taught breathing exercises, different games and techniques, alongside yoga poses has had a very positive effect on the children’s general health and well-being. The children see the benefits too – “Yoga is the most relaxing thing I have ever done!”, said a pupil in Year 6 whilst another pupil said: “It creates a strong bond between my friends and I and it helps to get the knots out. It’s great fun!”

Headteacher, Louise George, said: “Yoga is clearly beneficial for the body and for good mental health.

Not only is it enhancing the children’s physical strength, flexibility, co-ordination and body awareness, but it is improving their concentration and sense of calmness as they learn a variety of relaxing techniques.”

Yoga sessions are part of former school governor, Liz Boynton’s legacy as she was a yoga teacher for many years,and she was delighted to learn that the children were being encouraged to participate in the activity.