What’s On
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Oh nay, oh nay – town crier told to shut up and shove off
Flooding disaster fixes could be used to rejuvenate Ross, says MP
New mayor elected for Ross
Another French twinning success
Mayor of Ross-on-Wye looks back on his year in office.
‘Fed up’ councillor announces ‘not-mayor’ role
Ross mayor criticises new plan for 1,000 new homes in the town
Late Mayor honoured with 'Bedford Way' street unveiling
Ross mayor’s praise for voluntary and community workers in town
Ross-on-Wye Mayor is hoping for a simple Christmas
Festive news from John Kyrle High School
Fancy a game of bingo with the Mayor?
Unity and teamwork: Achieving great outcomes together
Ross town's 'Proms in the Park' draws impressive crowd
Former mayor gives thousands to beloved local charity
Mayor's Stark reflection on his time in the stocks